
Since our last update Anica has had another MRI on May 15th. We received results on May 16th. results showed that her tumor shrunk and what is left of it shows positive changes to the chemo medication!! We could not be more excited about this awesome news!! the trial med is working... PRAISE THE LORD! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! for he is the one real physician! please continue to pray for Anica Daily as we still seek a complete miracle in her healing. As Anica's journey continues we will never take our eyes off of God, for he feeds us the bread of life, he consoles me daily and without him i could not face this giant.  Thank you to each and every individual who has lifted Anica up in prayer, who has attended a fundraiser, who has donated to our miracle, who has expressed kind words of love.  You all make difference in our daily spirits and help keep Anica smiling.  I can not do this alone, please know I thank God daily for each of you and ask for blessings to all of you! So excited that you are able to see God's hand at work. For the non-believers, may God touch your heart through my personal message as Anica is a living person and not just a story, the facts are real and God is evident. praise His Holy name!

Since diagnoses on February 22, 2013, Anica spent twelve days in the hospital and was released from the hospital on March 6, 2013. She has since completed 1 week of radiation.  Thankful to God that no sedation was needed. She is amazing! My baby is stronger than I am. My heart is filled with so much love and admiration for Anica. God is our rock daily.

1 comment:

Brooke (Bonniwell) Kajdas said...

Doreen and Jason,
Anica is the most beautiful combination of the two of you. I am so sorry to hear about this diagnosis and the unbelievably difficult path your entire family is taking. I wipe tears away as I type this. My husband and I will be praying for her daily and will ask this amazing "prayer warrior" friend of ours who has been apart of healings to pray for her as well. I will share this on my facebook wall and continue to update myself with the status of things to see what else I can do. God is sovereign! He LOVES your daughter!!!